Frequently Asked Questions

What is the EverLasting album?
It is a wedding album with a high quality embedded video player.

Can I load videos onto the video album myself?
Yes, the video album acts like a thumb drive when plugged into your computer’s USB port with a standard micro-USB cable (included). You can easily drag and drop new files onto it or delete old files.

Can I load multiple videos onto the EverLasting album?
YES! The video album acts as a USB device so can load as many videos as you want onto the device (up to 4GB).

How long can my video be?
You can load more than 3 hours of videos onto the video book. However, the length of the video(s) is truly limited by the 4GB of internal memory.  We recommend videos up to 15 minutes in length for the best experience. There should be plenty of memory for your wedding highlight films or any other short form videos. 

What resolutions work best?
All HD video formats work with the EverLasting album. We recommend encoding your videos to 720p (16×9 aspect ratio) as the videos will look perfect this way. 1080p will also work. 4K or Ultra HD (UHD) files do not currently work on the EverLasting album. 

What file types does the video album play?
The video album plays all the standard file types mp4, mov etc.

How long does the battery last?
The battery lasts for about 2 hours of continuous play, or 24 playbacks of a 5 min video. It can last for  12+ months on your shelf until it needs to be recharged.

How does it charge?
It charges with a standard micro-USB cable which is supplied with each purchase.

Can I format the device?
DO NOT FORMAT THE DEVICE. This will break the software we use and void your warranty. If you want to remove files, select the files you want to delete and move them to trash. Afterward, simply eject the video album from your computer and disconnect the USB cable. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the EverLasting Album?
It is a wedding album with an embedded video player.

Can I load videos onto the video album myself?
Yes, the video album acts like a thumb drive when plugged into your computer’s USB port with a standard micro-USB cable (included). You can easily drag and drop new files onto it or delete old files.

Can I load multiple videos onto the EverLasting album?
YES! The video album acts as a USB device so can load as many videos as you want onto the device (up to 4GB).

How long can my video be?
You can load more than 3 hours of videos onto the video book. However, the length of the video(s) is truly limited by the 4GB of internal memory.  We recommend videos up to 15 minutes in length for the best experience. There should be plenty of memory for your wedding highlight films or any other short form videos. 

What resolutions work best?
All HD video formats work with the EverLasting album. We recommend encoding your videos to 720p (16×9 aspect ratio) as the videos will look perfect this way. 1080p will also work. 4K or Ultra HD (UHD) files do not currently work on 
the EverLasting album

What file types does the video album play?
The video album plays all the standard file types mp4, mov etc.

How long does the battery last?
The battery lasts for about 2 hours of continuous play, or 24 playbacks of a 5 min video. It can last for  12+ months on your shelf until it needs to be recharged.

How does it charge?
It charges with a standard micro-USB cable which is supplied with each purchase.

Can I format the device?
DO NOT FORMAT THE DEVICE. This will break the software we use and void your warranty. If you want to remove files, select the files you want to delete and move them to trash. Afterward, simply eject the video album from your computer and disconnect the USB cable.